Northern Indiana residents experience an average of four poor mental health days per month. This means that each member of the community spends thirteen percent of the year suffering through a decreased mental state.

Many people continue to endure mental health issues because of societal pressures. Social media makes us believe everyone else’s life is perfect. Mental health stigmas keep many people from asking for help. In reality, everyone feels the impacts of stress and mental health at some point in their life.

Stress Affects Your Mental Well-being
Stress affects everyone — it is how the brain and body respond to the demands in our lives. Long-term or chronic stress can have a negative impact on the body if not managed properly. When not under control, stress will have your body constantly in fight-or-flight mode. This is both mentally and physically exhausting. Chronic stress can also lead to other mental health struggles, such as anxiety and depression.

The National Institute for Mental Health recommends regular exercise, setting goals and priorities, and staying connected to your support system as some ways of coping with stress. They also recommend talking to a health professional to establish an effective treatment plan, especially if stress is affecting your work or relationships.

Some Anxiety is Normal
Occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. However, many people suffer from anxiety symptoms even when there is little reason to worry. How much anxiety is too much? Only you and your healthcare provider can determine that.

However, symptoms such as trouble controlling worries, having a hard time concentrating, and feeling restless may be indicators of General Anxiety Disorder (GAD). GAD is often treated with therapy or medication — sometimes both. A mental health professional can help you learn coping mechanisms that can result in less anxiety.

Depression is an experience of symptoms such as persistent sadness, feelings of hopelessness, or a loss of interest in activities. Depression disrupts a person’s ability to function normally. There are many types of depression and it affects different populations in different ways. This is not something someone can just get over; it requires professional treatment. Depression is often treated with antidepressant medications and talk therapy.

The earlier your stress, anxiety, depression, or other mental health struggles are treated, the quicker you can be on the road to recovery. There is nothing wrong with asking for help. Don’t suffer in silence anymore.

HealthLinc is dedicated to helping northern Indiana improve their mental health. We incorporate a Patient-Centered Medical Home model. This means that we provide care for the whole person. Our care is coordinated, comprehensive, and accessible in order to achieve improved health care outcomes and satisfaction for you and your family.

Contact us today and see how we can help you heal your whole self — body and mind.


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