When you eat a balanced, nutritious diet, it helps your body and mind refuel. Creating a meal plan is the best way to stay on track with a healthy diet. A meal plan is important for staying healthy and fueling your body and mind. Need help getting started with a meal plan? Check out these 10 tips below!

1. Balance your plate.

When preparing meals, reach for fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains. This variety of food provides important nutrients your body needs to stay energized and healthy. Lean proteins can include chicken, turkey and fish, as well as eggs, beans, lentils, nuts and seeds and low-fat milk or yogurt. Whole grains include whole wheat bread, pasta and tortillas, brown rice, quinoa and oats.

2. Control your portions.

Sometimes, our eyes can be bigger than our stomachs, so we load our plates with too much food. Many people are eating more than a “standard” portion because they don’t know how much of a food counts as a portion. Learning portion sizes, using a smaller plate and starting off with less food can help you with portion control.

3. Prep your meals.

Planning and preparing your meals ahead of time is a great way to be mindful of what you are eating for every meal. Try writing a weekly menu and preparing ingredients before the start of each week. This helps you know exactly what you will be eating for the week and cuts down on last-minute take-out or fast food meals because you do not have the time or energy to think of and prepare your meals.

4. Stay hydrated.

Drinking enough water throughout the day is an important part of every meal plan! Staying hydrated helps keep your mind sharp and your body energized and ready to take on the day.

5. Snack Smart.

Snacks aren’t just for little kids! Having a snack or two between meals is a great way to refresh yourself and prevent feelings of being hungry. Try reaching for healthy snacks like nuts, fruits and yogurts, and avoid sugary and processed foods like chips and candy.

6. Limit processed foods.

Processed foods are high in salt, sugar and unhealthy fats and, when consumed in large quantities, can be bad for our health. Reach for whole foods like vegetables and fruits as much as possible when picking out meals and snacks.

7. Include fiber in your diet.

Fiber-rich foods, like fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes and whole grains, help promote good digestive health and provide essential nutrients that keep you healthy and happy! Try to include at least one fiber-rich item in every meal.

8. Be mindful when eating.

It’s easy to scroll on your phone or watch TV during meals, but it’s important to pay attention to the food you’re eating. This helps you really enjoy your meal and keeps you from overeating.

9. Add some variety.

No one wants to eat the same food every day or week, so make sure to add some variety to your meal plan! Having a variety of meals in your diet helps you get a range of nutrients you might be missing if you stick to the same foods all the time.

10. Reach out for guidance.

Creating and/or starting a new meal plan can be challenging. Fortunately, there are many resources available to help you start on your healthy eating journey! Reach out to your medical provider for guidance on the types of foods you should be eating, especially if you have a chronic condition like diabetes or high blood pressure.

Creating a healthy meal plan can be hard, but it doesn’t have to be. With the steps listed above, you can start your healthy eating journey! It’s important to always start small and make changes slowly to help you achieve long-term success.

Reviewed by: Cassidy Fowler, Registered Dietitian

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